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With a fully customizable character, loads of pop culture references, and political satire that might hit a little too close to home, this is exactly the game we hoped it could be. Building off of the massive success of The Stick of Truth, Fractured But Whole has an incredibly satisfying combat system that leaves you constantly eager for the next fight, exemplary and natural dialogue from everyone in town, and a truly epic soundtrack.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole has been well worth the wait. I never thought I would write about the importance of farting in a game but, like much of the South Park world, they’ve crafted an essential plot device out of something impolite to talk about at dinner. As the story progresses, New Kid’s fart will be able to pause and reverse time, among other wild powers and abilities. When starting out, the New Kid will be able to perform a high power fart as well as fart into his hand and throw it at targets. The final mechanic I want to talk about is perhaps the most crucial to the entire game itself: Farting.

Combat is enhanced with the absolutely epic soundtrack that puts a number of other fighting games to shame and the overall quality on the audio is superb. The dialogue is hilarious and people react with some great comebacks, insults, threats, and general apathy towards me. In hindsight, I wish I had waited until I unlocked all of the abilities but at the same time, I had a lot of fun interacting with the citizens. Being a completionist, every time I unlocked a skill I had to revisit every house just in case there was a puzzle I could finally solve. The Fractured But Whole also features a huge number of puzzles to solve that require various skills you unlock as the game progresses. It’s not a big town, but there is far too much to miss by fast traveling. While the game does have an unlockable fast travel network, be prepared for a lot of walking.

Transitioning from gameplay to cinematic and back is so smooth I’m never quite sure when I have control again. That being said, this is a very crisp and smooth South Park. Graphically speaking, this is South Park you should already know what you are getting into. Even in combat, South Park can’t help but be self-referential in the form of one of Call Girl’s attacks, in which she blasts the enemy with a call from her phone in which a faint voice yells out ‘Phone Destroyer.’ I can go on about the references and various jokes but there is only so much room in this review.